Down Syndrome Family Resource Center
Serving The Entire Special Needs Community 2024 Walk In The Park - Donate
(A 501 (C) (3) Non Profit Organization)

Our mission is to enhance the lives of people with Down Syndrome and their families through support, education and advocacy. We strive to increase public awareness of people with Down Syndrome through recreational activities, social opportunities and education programs.


We celebrate and spread awareness in our schools and communities by promoting inclusion and opportunities where one’s abilities can shine!! Sometimes the things we can't change, end up changing us instead.


We provide current resources on topics that include Health and Wellness, Therapies and Development, Schooling and IEP Strategies, Transition and Aging concerns. We host professional workshops, presentations and events.


We provide a network of support, advice and expertise. We offer meaningful activities and events to create friendships and special bonds for our families. Through the use of social media, we keep our families connected.

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